Hygiene at the highest stage

Sustainable & Ecological

Originally developed for industrial and sustainable cleaning of all surfaces in hotels, hospitals, restaurants – just everywhere.

Find the power of major, industrial cleaning systems compacted in only one handy “Green Cleaning“ system: The Micro Cleaner.


Micro dry-steam

 • Micro-dry-steam - also known as condensed water in fine nebulisation - has no surface tension and is thus able to penetrate smallest micro structures in surfaces. Guaranteeing the best cleaning results which are often astonishing.


• At over 180°C under the pressure of over 9 bar, the cleaner produces a dry steam which functions without any chemicals guaranteeing a deep cleanliness for all surfaces.


• Suitable for continuous operation by reason of patented boiler technology and high-performance, self-decalcification of the heating element.


The Micro Cleaner

• Environmentally friendly: Cleaning without chemicals

• Up to 100% reduction of cleaning products

• Water savings: Cleanes practically without water

• Residue-free: Spotless (Surfactants, proteins) which are a hazard for germs

• Ideal for frequent basic cleaning as re-arising contamination is minimized.

• Fast removing of grease and residues in kitchens on tiles/floors, facilities and every critical area in all types of rooms.

• HACCP-compliant

• Shorter time requirement in addition to high minimisation of costs



The major advantage of cleaning with micro steam is that fabrics and other surfaces do not become wet but only slightly damp.

The high temperatures and speed at which the steam is discharged removes dirt and dust from its carriers.

The high temperature of the steam therefore has a “releasing" effect. The hot steam particles penetrate the materials, liquefy the dirt and then draw it out from the carrier.


The speed at which the steam is discharged is also a crucial factor here: the higher the steam pressure, the higher is the

speed at which it is discharged. This releases an even higher force of the steam.

Blitz Blank Building Cleaning Services L.L.C.

Blitz Blank Cleaning Equipment L.L.C.

P.O. Box 71354

Dubai, U.A.E.

Tel: +971 (0)4 288 79 70

BB BCS (Service):

BB CE (Equipment):

Monday - Thursday:
08:00 - 17:00h  

                     Friday: 08:00 - 15:00h